Sunday, May 27, 2012

Here we go!

Hello Blog Readers!  This is my first blog ever about the first house I have owned and lived in without other adults.  Lots of firsts in my life right now. So, the basics: I am 34, in the divorce process and just closed on my very own house.  I have two kids, two dogs, and LOTS of ideas.  My house is three stories, brick, a little over 100 years old and ready for some updates. Luckily the last owner took care of most of the electric and the plumbing and finished the third floor.  They also put an extension on the back of the house which is now the kitchen and reading nook(?) and a wrap-around back deck.

I got the key last Friday...WHAT PROJECT DO I START WITH FIRST??

Last note: I would like to thank Young House Love for giving me the courage and the knowledge to take on DIY projects in this new house. They are a big inspiration for my project list and their website is wonderful!  Thanks YHL!!

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